Bizible-R is an essential system for the automotive parts industry that has
various functions including issuing and managing delivery statements
and parts identification table, real-time transmission of shipment
information and confirmation of stock recipts.
SCM system specialized for the finished automotive delivery industry
Refresh Automobile Parts Delivery Order System on the Web, RAPDOS
System diagram

System features
Real-time shipment information transmission
Real-time order/recipe information which can be checked by linked OEM, CKD, PO order/warehousing data
Provides a user convenient UI
Provides an interface for interworking with customer’s legacy system
Stable and reliable system and convenience through long-term service
(Option) Direct payment through a connection between multiple (1st, 2nd ...) companies.
Easy to analyze a delivery status from other regions by intergrated management through the web system
01 Initial investment capital reduction
- Reduced initial investment capital by introducing simple Bizible-R
without establishing a shipping management (delivery business) system
- Reduced initial investment capital by introducing simple Bizible-R
02 Shortened delivery time
- With the introduction of Bizible-R, customers receive a real-time response to changes
in orders for finished vehicles and shortening of delivery time
- With the introduction of Bizible-R, customers receive a real-time response to changes
03 Simplify closing tasks
- Simplification of closing tasks through automatic verification of inspection data (D1, D9)
04 Reduced working time
- Bizible-R reduces workload and effort by linking primary companies